Choo Choo Charles




This horror game will give you a really responsible role – you will play for a monster hunter! Once you received an interesting request to catch another terrible trophy for your monster collection. But you should go to one island where that creature resides and terrorizes everyone around. To your greatest shock, you will discover that your new opponent is a train! But he is a live being and looks like a scary spider. It is not going to be a 5-minute job to catch this dreadful antagonist!

Equip your locomotive and keep going!

You will move in your own vehicle! It is a small train that will help you traverse the island. But you need to upgrade it and get some weapons if you want to catch Choo Choo Charles. For this, you must complete a lot of tasks that local residents will give you. Besides, you must collect special resources – metals scraps – as you move on. It will allow you to purchase various upgrades for your train, and you will even be able to buy a weapon to attack your enemy. Are you ready for this merciless confrontation? Note that you will be warned about the monster’s approach by a special whistle. Once you hear it, get on your vehicle and be ready to fend off the attack of the treacherous spider beast!

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